It's been a great deal of time since i've been updating the blogspot. It's probably due to the fact that so many things happen, but then again isn't that the point of a blogspot to keep you updated. -_- ANYWAYS, i'm going to cover up the main stuff from February - Now.
Kind of skethcy, but all i remember putting last was when i got my tail lights for my car. Tried to get as much done for the mean time, but decided they didn't fit my style, so sold them to skylar. Mostly attended VRT meets as usual trying to make money to make her work.. blah blah
My birthday weekend. The greatest and worst. So stoked that my birthday fell under spring break, it was the SPARK of spring break. Thinking to myself it's senior year, this break should be the fucking best. I get to go clubbin` , buy stogs, buy PRON, whatever whatever.. so that happens. and There is a VRT party celebration for Bruno and I, and some shit happens with cholo's. not good.. really. usual routine, yosh right after.. hmm hmm hmm.. so the next week..
The next week.. i decide to park my car at Bruno's with Karl, because a few of us were going to Egames, so we went around 1 o clock, then dun dun dun... the worse thing that can happen.. my car is missing and Karls is broken into.. So, we file the police report dah dah dah.. and from then on.. it basically progressed until the of end April. But prior to that, i basically gave up on the car, and tried forgetting about. Thought about getting a new one.. etcetc.. My loving camera was in there.. Canon rebel Xt, 430ex flash, BG-E3 (battery grip) and A good.. year of photographs.. which only 1 month was basically lost, but stilll.. :[ ordered a 30d, and a 17-85 IS lense. Only lense has came, dealy with some technical difficulties... but it should arrive tomorrow.. :[ Been growing close to the art class.. well mostly Derrick, Salina, and Kyle. Yup yup went to the waterfalls, one chill ass mother fuckin spot! basically the new summer place, besides the beach !
also hookah bars, hookah in general, oh and ............................... nothing. i probably know more about japanese fashion that you do. fake bitches.
May 02, 2008, my car was reported found!! It was found in Pasadena expected it to be farther. Pops went through all the paper work. blah blah blah. They basically stripped my interior, even my fucking carpet, and all my seats.. mm.. replaced my chasis, with some bullshit ass silver ones (but cant complain... when stolen people usually don't even replace it..), swapped my wheels.. the trunk as well.. took out the battery and starter. So that's killing my fucking ass. so far i spent like 200.. happy birthday U-BAS ! and basically made a dedication to eating healthy and going to the gym. and so far it's been one hell of a ride. with one more month of school.. BASICALLY ONE MONTH! my life is a mess.
and i'm sure their is so much more that i missed, and i guess to sum it all up would be
It's been a great deal of time since i've been updating the blogspot. It's probably due to the fact that so many things happen, but then again isn't that the point of a blogspot to keep you updated. -_- ANYWAYS, i'm going to cover up the main stuff from February - Now.
Kind of skethcy, but all i remember putting last was when i got my tail lights for my car. Tried to get as much done for the mean time, but decided they didn't fit my style, so sold them to skylar. Mostly attended VRT meets as usual trying to make money to make her work.. blah blah
My birthday weekend. The greatest and worst. So stoked that my birthday fell under spring break, it was the SPARK of spring break. Thinking to myself it's senior year, this break should be the fucking best. I get to go clubbin` , buy stogs, buy PRON, whatever whatever.. so that happens. and There is a VRT party celebration for Bruno and I, and some shit happens with cholo's. not good.. really. usual routine, yosh right after.. hmm hmm hmm.. so the next week..
The next week.. i decide to park my car at Bruno's with Karl, because a few of us were going to Egames, so we went around 1 o clock, then dun dun dun... the worse thing that can happen.. my car is missing and Karls is broken into.. So, we file the police report dah dah dah.. and from then on.. it basically progressed until the of end April. But prior to that, i basically gave up on the car, and tried forgetting about. Thought about getting a new one.. etcetc.. My loving camera was in there.. Canon rebel Xt, 430ex flash, BG-E3 (battery grip) and A good.. year of photographs.. which only 1 month was basically lost, but stilll.. :[ ordered a 30d, and a 17-85 IS lense. Only lense has came, dealy with some technical difficulties... but it should arrive tomorrow.. :[ Been growing close to the art class.. well mostly Derrick, Salina, and Kyle. Yup yup went to the waterfalls, one chill ass mother fuckin spot! basically the new summer place, besides the beach !
also hookah bars, hookah in general, oh and ............................... nothing. i probably know more about japanese fashion that you do. fake bitches.
May 02, 2008, my car was reported found!! It was found in Pasadena expected it to be farther. Pops went through all the paper work. blah blah blah. They basically stripped my interior, even my fucking carpet, and all my seats.. mm.. replaced my chasis, with some bullshit ass silver ones (but cant complain... when stolen people usually don't even replace it..), swapped my wheels.. the trunk as well.. took out the battery and starter. So that's killing my fucking ass. so far i spent like 200.. happy birthday U-BAS ! and basically made a dedication to eating healthy and going to the gym. and so far it's been one hell of a ride. with one more month of school.. BASICALLY ONE MONTH! my life is a mess.
and i'm sure their is so much more that i missed, and i guess to sum it all up would be
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